And the lows of self-doubt, lack of inspiration, lack of motivation, exhaustion etc etc etc!
Here are three simple ways:
Seligman’s research has confirmed that achieving intrinsic goals (such as personal growth and connection with others) leads to larger gains in wellbeing than external goals such as having more money or achieving fame.
Accomplishment also leads to an increased sense of wellbeing when it includes self-discipline, working and setting goals, striving and challenging yourself to persevere in the face of challenges.
In other words, even small victories that are hard won lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and wellbeing than easy successes.
The philosopher Aristotle was perhaps the first to link wellbeing with having goals, projects and targets. He explained that human beings are teleological (from Greek telos, "end," and logos, "reason")
And that we need to have goals and targets to achieve.
In other words, we can edit, interpret, and retell our story, even though constrained by the facts, in a way that will help us rather than harm us. In a way that will empower us rather than disempower us.
The third pillar is the pillar of transcendence.
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