Why is this important?
As human beings, we make mistakes all the time.
All. The. Time.
Despite our best intentions, we often end up saying or doing things that hurt other people, often people we love most. In fact, it is our closest relationships that are the most impacted by our shortcomings and slips.
And when our loved ones are hurt by us, it impacts our own wellbeing whether we recognize it or not.
It is now well documented that our happiness and wellbeing is best predicted by the breadth and depth of our social connections, that is, our relationships with spouses, friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues. Strong relationships are good for us on many different levels and so it is important that we repair relationships that are struggling or impacted by small hurt and big betrayals.
Not apologizing also impacts our relationship with ourselves, our self-esteem and our spirituality (we will explore this in the coming weeks).
This is why I am sorry are amongst the three most important words in the English language.
Learning how to apologize effectively is a skill - it is one of the most important skills we can master. It can also be one of the hardest to practice.
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