Venting is so old fashioned(DW#2)

Many of us have been led to believe that it is good to 'let it all out'. To talk about our problems. To vent or 'ventilate' our issues.

Just think about it - have you an issue or a problem that you have been venting about for a while? A long time? More than a month? A year? Several years?

Has venting helped or has it, in fact, solidified the problem, made it grow roots so that is now firmly established as a 'thing' in your life?

While talking about a problem can SOMETIMES help, more often than not, it does little good. It grows roots for the problem and it can actually stop us from engaging our brain in finding solutions for the problem or the issue.

The latest research in psychology and neuroscience suggests that is more helpful to talk through your problems, that is discuss them with a view to looking for solutions and alternatives.

So while venting occasionally about an issue may help you feel better in the short term, know that it is not an effective strategy for happiness in the long term. When you feel like venting, it is a good idea to give yourself a set time to vent. Like an hour or a day or a week. At most.

One you have finished venting; (doesn't it get boring after a while?) think of what you can do differently. Take action to change the situation or choose to accept it.

Choosing to accept something is different from talking about problems as intractable and unchangeable entitles that are present in your life to make it difficult!! It frees up a lot of energy for living our best self.

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