Time tracking(DW #833)

Yesterday we talked about how Ben Franklin accounted for every hour of his day.


If we are like most people, when we want to get control of our calendar, we start by planning our time.


Peter Drucker, who is considered the father of modern management, believes that this is a mistake.
He explains that while most people start time management by PLANNING their time, this is not the most effective way to do it. He recommends instead, to start by TRACKING our time. Before planning, we need to get more clarity on where our time is currently going.


(As we have discussed before, the simple act of tracking ANYTHING immediately improves the performance of that activity. So it makes sense)


So, if you are brave enough to confront how you are actually spending your time, take a few days to account for your time moment by moment. I do this every few years or so and it is SUCH an eye opening exercise.


(The last time I did this was before I got on Instagram and I suspect that the next time tracking period is going to show some scary results! Which is a big reason to do it soon.)


What do you suspect are your biggest time wasters? Are you brave enough to track your time to find out?

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