The task in front of you (DW #943)

Yesterday, I shared a snippet from Byron Katie’s book, Loving What Is. The full passage from the book on dealing with the task ahead of you is really worth repeating:

"What I call "doing the dishes" is the practice of loving the task in front of you. Your inner voice guides you all day long to do simple things such as brush your teeth, drive to work, call your friend, or do the dishes. Even though it’s just another story, it’s a very short story, and when you follow the direction of the voice, the story ends. We are really alive when we live as simply as that—open, waiting, trusting, and loving to do what appears in front of us now…What we need to do unfolds before us, always—doing the dishes, paying the bills, picking up the children’s socks, brushing our teeth. We never receive more than we can handle, and there is always just one thing to do. Whether you have ten dollars or ten million dollars, life never gets more difficult than that".

So, the next time (later today?) when our minds are running around at a hundred miles per second and we are in the midst of overwhelm and anxiety, let us remind ourselves to simplify our lives and

Do The Dishes. (as if our life depended on it)

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