The steps to completing relationships

As we started discussing yesterday, keeping our relationships complete is essential to living a life that matters – if we are not complete with our relationships, it robs our energies from things that we are meant to do. We cannot really focus on bigger things.

Having incomplete relationships really hinders our spiritual growth.

Why? Because we are designed to be in connection – when we are not connected to other human beings on an authentic level, we are not at peace.

Try this for yourself. Think of someone you are not at peace wit, whether you are currently in relationship with this person or not – now reflect on how much (negative) space they occupy in your mind and your heart. It is as if you are energetically connected to them with an invisible cord. Completion is about setting yourself and them free.

Keeping our relationships complete is not difficult. It involves 5 simple steps:

a. Communicating upset and resentment

b. Apologizing

c. Forgiving

d. Expressing gratitude

e. Expressing love

We can remember these by five phrases

a. I'm hurt

b. Please forgive me

c. I forgive you

d. Thank you

e. I love you

The more you use these phrases on a regular basis, the more complete your relationships will be over time. When we have not done this for a while, (or ever!) it will obviously take some time and effort.

But the process is stunningly simple, don't you think? And SO powerful.

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