Our wellbeing matters (DW#960)

As we head into the weekend, let us reflect on our internal world. Are we internally thriving? Outwardly flourishing? Are we satisfied with how satisfied we are with our life and our circumstances?

Why are these questions important to ponder over? Because our mental and emotional wellbeing matters.

A LOT. And not just to ourselves either.

Life is too short to be miserable – this is not a dress rehearsal and we don’t get any medals for suffering!

While there will always be challenges in this plane of existence, we have more influence on our wellbeing than we often accept.

2. Our wellbeing impacts others.

For sure. One of our guiding mantras in our MEM community is that When mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy!

This goes for fathers too, by the way.

And for spouses. If you are a grumpalump, most likely, your spouse is having a hard time dealing with it!!

3. Our wellbeing frees up emotional and spiritual energies to focus on what matters.

When we are at our best mentally and emotionally, we are more productive at work.

And we can focus on contributing our gifts to the world and live a life that matters.

When we are not, we are too focused on our own internal struggles to be much good to ourselves or others.

Are you taking your wellbeing seriously? If not, what are you waiting for? What is a tiny step that you can take today to work on your own happiness?

PS: If you would like to delve deeper into the subject and practice living this way, I am offering some workshops and programs to master our mental and emotional wellbeing. The first one is coming up tomorrow. Here is the link to register.  

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