How to use and ask the Questions

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been exploring the wisdom in The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever.

The book really helps the reader recognize how we can be "advice giving maniacs" and how we often don't even know what the problem is, but we've got some thoughts about how to go around fixing it. (it is SO easy isn't it – to give advice on how to fix problems we don't know much about!!)

I hope that you have been playing with the questions at work and at home and are beginning to explore the power of these simple questions to make us effective in our interactions and communications with others. Once we begin 'playing' with the questions (however imperfectly) and notice the power, we are likely to want to do more of it.

In the book, Stanier offers great suggestions on how to use the questions in what he calls "Question Asking Master classes" and on how to practice the questions so that they become a habit. If you are looking for what to read next on leadership, business management or self growth, I highly recommend you check out this easy read.

In the meantime,

Here are The Seven Essential Coaching Questions:

The Kickstart Question: "What's on your mind?"
The AWE Question: "And what else?"
The Focus Question: "What's the real challenge here for you?"
The Foundation Question: "What do you want?"
The Lazy Question: "How can I help?"
The Strategic Question: "If you're saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?"
The Learning Question: "What was most useful to you about this conversation?"

I am so excited for all us to start using these regularly!

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