Getting confident(DW#3)

All of us feel more confident in some areas of our life than in others. For areas that we are less than confident in, we tend to tell ourselves that once we feel confident, we will take action in this area.

But here's the thing: confidence only comes from taking action.

It is practice which gives us the confidence. Confidence without doing the necessary practice is actually foolhardiness not confidence!

Think of when you started to drive. (or cook, or work . . .)

Remember how you were nervous even after you passed your road test? You started taking the car around the corner and then down the street. Slowly with practice you felt comfortable going further and you finally made it on the highway. If you had waited to have full confidence before you drove, you would have never taken the car out of the garage.

You decided to push through the feeling of nervousness and fear and take action despite those feelings.

Now that you are a confident driver, it may be hard to even remember those feelings of initial nerves.

Is there an area of your life where you are stuck waiting for the confidence to arrive before taking action?

How about taking some action and practicing trusting that confidence will follow?

Its okay to suck at something at the beginning! It is also ok to feel nerves or lack of confidence.

Give yourself permission to take action despite fear, doubt and nervousness.

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