Don’t be a metaphysical glutton(DW #822)
If you are anything like me, you get very inspired with books and lectures on self-growth, and love to keep making positive changes in your lives.
If you come across some wisdom that applies to your life, you are eager to implement it.
So far, so good. Small but continuous positive growth is what it is all about.
A word of caution, though.
It is a good idea to focus on one area of your life at one time. Pick something to work on and install that before tackling something else.
It is a recipe for crashing and burning if you try to address every area of your life all at once (don’t ask me how I know this!)
I love how American philosopher and writer Ken Wilber (often referred to as the "Einstein of consciousness studies") puts it: Don’t be a metaphysical glutton.
In other words: Don’t try to change EVERYTHING AT ONCE.
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