Live amongst people in a manner, such that they long for you while you live and cry when you die.
All of us know people whose company we crave.
What makes them so special? What makes us long to be with them?
Presence, patience and pleasantness stand out for me. How about you?
Being pleasant company, is so much easier with acquaintances rather than family or close friends.
We can all fake it for a while. Put on our best face in public.
But this is not what Imam Ali is talking about.
Recognizing that those closest to us sometimes see the worst parts of our personality, Imam also said:
Do not let your family become the unhappiest of people because of you.
A little more challenging, no?
How can we live amongst those closest to us so that they long for our company? How can we be a blessing rather than a trial for our families?
Your thoughts?
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