Are you happy with who you are? (DW #861)

Here is your daily dose of Wisdom for Living Your Best Self!

Daily Wisdom is back! Sorry about the longer than intended break – life got in the way somewhat! Back now alhamdullilah.
Let us start the new series by talking about our self-image, about what we think of ourselves.
Over the next few days, we will explore wisdom from Steve Chandler.
If you need a boost of down-to-earth, empowering wisdom, you might want to check out Steve Chandler.
In his book, Reinventing Yourself, How to Become the Person You’ve Always Wanted to Be, he writes that many of us are victims of  a story that we tell about ourselves.
"Most of us live in a cocoon of personality—the made-up story of who we are.
It seems dark and dusty inside this little cocoon, and we think we can’t get out. We tell ourselves stories about our personality, but these stories aren’t reality. Deep down, we know we’re more than this personality.
We could tear open the cocoon if we wanted to. We could push out and see the light of the world. We could learn to fly.
But most of us will live trapped inside our personalities for our entire lives, never knowing that we can leave. We are victims of our own invented limits. We wake up each morning to a world that is dim and unclear. There are so many problems wrapped around us; there is almost no light. Pushing against the inner wall of the cocoon seems futile. Why bother? I am the way I am".
Of course, there are a few who are a marked contrast to this kind of mindset. People who reinvent who they are. Who push through the limits of what they believe about themselves.
Chandler writes that such people feel like they’re learning to fly.
"In effect, they are reinventing who they are. And, in the process, they become owners of the human spirit. They are victims no more."
Am excited to explore this idea of the "stories we tell ourselves about ourselves".

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