The value of knowing where the walls and windows are (DW#363)
We have been talking about protecting our relationships by knowing and recognizing the difference between friendships and marriage so that we can keep our commitments strong.
Hopefully you have recognized how easy it is, especially in modern times, to slide into the danger zone of infidelity and why we need to be mindful of the boundaries in our marriage.
The wall and windows metaphor that we have been exploring can help us
· Assess the overall health of the relationship.
· Determine whether an outside relationship has moved from a friendship to an affair.
· If you are recovering from an affair, it can help determine a partner’s level of commitment. Or for example, does your partner say he or she is committed, but then allow a wall to remain between you? If a window is still open for the affair partner, that’s a sign that the appropriate level of commitment isn’t there for the marriage.
. It can help you gauge where you are in the recovery process. If the window has reopened between you and your partner, and the wall is rebuilt between your partner and the affair partner, it’s a sign that you’re well on your way to recovery.
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