In Daniel Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence", the author explains that there are five main domains of emotional intelligence: Self awareness, emotional regulation, internal motivation, recognizing emotions in others and handling relationships.
So letā€™s begin to explore these domains one at a time.
Self awareness:
This is the foundational basis of emotional intelligence.
Self awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions. As we mentioned last week, our emotions drive us to act. If we are unaware of our emotions, we will act in ways that donā€™t make sense to us or to others. Our unrecognized and unprocessed emotions may result in us acting against our own self interest and in ways that hurt other people.
Recognizing our emotions as they are happening also allows us to become aware of of the effect of our moods and behaviours on other people, both at work and at home.
Once we become aware of our emotions, we can begin to recognize the relationship between how we feel and how we behave. We are able to make an accurate assessment of our own strengths and limitations and perhaps begin to consider what is standing in the way of success at work and at home.
Goleman suggests that people who possess this self-awareness have a good sense of humor, are confident in themselves and their abilities, and are aware of how other people perceive them.
All of the above are pretty significant, wouldn't you say?
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