By the Grace and Mercy of the All Compassionate, we are fortunate to witness another Ramadan, the month of mercy and blessings.
Ramadan continues the practice of many great faith traditions of the world which encourage fasting and keeping away from distractions of the body as a way of elevating the spirit.
During this sacred time, this "Spiritual Prime Time", many of us begin to pause and start reflecting on what really matters. We turn our attention away from the material and towards the spiritual, we begin to focus on our self growth and then reach out to family, friends and to those in need.
Ramadan has been called the spring of the soul because the conditions are optimal for the seeds of guidance within us to bear fruit. One of the best fertilizers in this springtime of the soul are the words of the Holy Quran, the "healing for the hearts" that can revitalize our hearts and souls.
So like last Ramadan, let us reflect on a verse from the Holy Book every (week) day and explore how we can live the timeless message of the Quran in the 21st century.
Today, let us briefly remind ourselves about the purpose of fasting.
In verse 2:183, the Quran says: O you who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may attain God consciousness.
The ultimate purpose of fasting then, is not a mere abstention from food and drink but rather the development of inner strength, a super energy which develops our self control so that we can live consciously and aligned with our ultimate purpose rather than fall prey to momentary passions and desires.
Keeping away from food, drink and other prohibitions during this month is simply the entry point to developing this internal energy, this God consciousness. Imam Ali (as) talked about these higher levels of fasting and said: "Fasting of the heart is better than the fasting of the tongue; and fasting of the tongue is better than the fasting of the stomach."
So as we feel the hunger pangs and the thirst this Ramadan, let us reflect on what it means to fast with all of our organs including our heart. Can we fast with our tongues so that our speech is nothing but beneficial? Can we purify our hearts to the extent that they contain nothing but the love for the All Merciful?
And help us to fast in it by restraining our limbs from disobeying You and by employing them in that which pleases You so that we lend not our ears to idle talk and we don’t let our eyes easily glance towards diversion, and so that we stretch not our hands towards the forbidden and stride not with our feet towards the prohibited, and so that our bellies hold only what You have made lawful and our tongues speak only what You have exemplified, and so that we undertake nothing but what brings us close to Your reward and pursue nothing but what protects us from Your punishment! (Dua Welcoming Ramadan, from Sahifa Sajjadiya by Imam Zainul Abideen)
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