Recognize the value of a single night (DW#409)

The grand night is better than a thousand months [Sura Qadr, 97:3]
Laylatul Qadr (the grand night, night of power, night of destiny) is the anniversary of the night when the verses of the Qur'an were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saw). This night, the holiest in the Islamic calendar, is a celebration to commemorate the arrival of the final guidance for humans. 

The above verse from Sura Qadr tells us that Laylatul Qadr, or the Grand Night is better than a thousand months. In the verse preceding this one, the Quran has invited us to raise our consciousness by asking And what will make you comprehend what the grand night is? [97:2]. This verse answers this question by informing us that the Grand Night, or Laylatul Qadr is better, more elevated than one thousand months. 

A thousand months is equal to more than 80 years, a quantity of time that is equal to, if not more than, a lifetime for many of us.

Clearly the Quran wants us to understand that there is a difference in quality of time if we recognize the value of this night. 

One way to understand this is that one night of consciousness, of enlightenment, of making a paradigm shift, is better than living 80 years in a state of unconsciousness or confusion. 

The Holy Prophet (saw) in a famous narration is reported to have said: "An hour of contemplation is superior to an entire year’s worship." Just as a small quantity of contemplation has the potential to forever change the quality of our worship, a paradigm shift in life (facilitated by the supporting energies of this night) has the potential to transform the way we live our life, from heedlessness to comprehension, to vision and to understanding. 

It is a night which invites us to have a major "aha" moment, to recognize the purpose of our existence, where we are headed and to mold the rest of our life accordingly. It has the potential of helping us awaken to our full potential, to open our heart to revelation so that we recognize Truth itself. 

So whatever else we do on this night, let us take a few moments to reflect and contemplate on this verse: what can we do to make this night worthy of a lifetime’s worship and awareness

The Vigil by Rumi
Don’t go to sleep one night.

What you most want will come to you then. 
Warmed by a sun inside, you’ll see wonders. 
Tonight, don’t put your head down.

Be tough, and strength will come.

That which adoration adores

appears at night. Those asleep may miss it. 
One night Moses stayed awake and asked, and saw a light in a tree. 
Then he walked at night for ten years, until finally he saw the whole tree illuminated. 
Muhammad rode his horse through the nightsky. 
The day is for work. The night for love. Don’t let someone bewitch you. 
Some people sleep at night. But not lovers. 
They sit in the dark
and talk to God, who told David,
Those who sleep all night every night and claim to be connected to us, they lie. 
Lovers can’t sleep when they feel the privacy of the beloved all around them. 
Someone who’s thirsty may sleep for a little while,

but he or she will dream of water, a full jar beside a creek, or the spiritual water you get from another person. 
All night, listen to the conversation. Stay up. This moment is all there is.

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