Here’s how to hack your marriage (DW#538)

Do you know what a "hack" is? 

The way it is currently used, it means an easy solution or a work-around to a potentially challenging situation. A shortcut. It is a way to do or to improve something without too much effort. The term was initially used in technology to find quicker solutions with less steps instead of longer procedures to do particular things on computers. Popular culture adapted this term for all kinds of workarounds or shortcuts calling them "life hacks" or just "hacks". 

A more enlightened way to look at such solutions is to call them wise effort. Getting the most value for your time and effort. Doings small things that get big results. Kind of what Daily Wisdom is all about. 

So, over the next few days, let’s discuss some "marriage hacks" – simple (and sometimes quirky) ways to improve your marriage – rituals and practices that take only a short amount of time and effort but have potentially significant results. 

Before we explore some marriage hacks, can you think of some simple ways that you already nurture your own relationship? Some small daily ritual or practice that you have to keep your marriage or your family healthy? 

If you are in a challenging place in your relationship, you may not be able to come up with too many things. In which case, go back to a time when you were in a happier place. What were you doing then that you have stopped doing now? 

This exercise will provide you with VERY valuable information on how to get back on track. 

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