Fine whatever (DW#426)

Have you ever felt completely exasperated in your efforts to reach someone? To get them to understand your point of view? 

Ever felt so exasperated that you say: "fine, whatever" as a signal that you are giving up on this argument? As a signal that you are metaphorically throwing up your arms in resignation? 

While it is not realistic to agree on everything or even understand where the other person is coming from, it is important to keep talking about issues that mean something to you (or them). In the absence of continuing communication on important matters, misunderstanding and resentment is likely to grow in the relationship in the place of love and connection. 

In other words, if we say "fine, whatever" enough times we will find ourselves quitting on the whole relationship rather than just the argument at hand.


So the next time we feel defeated in an effort to be understood, let us be brave and remind ourselves that if the relationship is important to us, we need to keep talking even if we don’t agree.


So let’s take a breath and switch to a mode of listening to understand rather than trying to convince the other of our point of view.


Only once we understand the other, and convey that understanding, can we hope for them to listen to us with an open heart.

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