Science is making it clear that our brains and our bodies are designed to thrive with affectionate touch from our loved ones.
While we affectionately hug and cuddle young children naturally, this seems to taper off as they grow, although human beings never actually outgrow their need for loving touch.
Various studies have shown that people of all ages experience increases in physical and emotional wellbeing when they experience affectionate and appropriate touch.
Studies have found that when a husband holds his wife's hand during labour, for example, her pain measurably decreases. And interestingly, the more empathy a person feels for the person in pain, the more their brains are synchronized and the feeling of pain diminishes.
Scientists have also found that subliminal touching (touching so subtle that it’s not consciously perceived) dramatically increases a person’s sense of well-being and positive feelings toward the ‘toucher’.
One study found that people are 47% more likely to feel close to family members who frequently express affection than to those who rarely do so.
So we can practice simple OTLs every day by putting down our devices and being generous with our physical affection towards our loved ones.
It is good for us and good for them!
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