If you are not aware of your emotions as they are happening, please don’t give yourself a hard time.
According to a credible study, only 36% of people are able to accurately identify their emotions as they happen. What this suggests is that the vast majority of us are being controlled by our emotions and are that they may be leading us to where we might not want to go.
If we are not aware of our emotions, we do not recognize that we are continuously having emotional reactions to everything that is happening around us and in our lives. We may find that we are overreacting to triggers and don’t understand what happened to cause the overreaction. We may find ourselves blaming others for our feelings rather than confront the uncomfortable truth that we did not recognize we were emotionally aroused until the feelings bubbled over as a behavioural overreaction.
But you know what the great thing about awareness is? Just thinking about emotional awareness makes you more likely to be aware!
Once you understand that a skillful way to deal with emotional upsets is to start becoming more aware of all of your emotions, you automatically start noticing what you are feeling. At least some of the time.
And that’s a great start.
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