Download your thoughts (DW#713)

Now that you have scheduled your worry times (as discussed yesterday), there should be far fewer anxious thoughts that interfere with your nighttime rest.

However, there will still be thoughts and ideas that your brain will keep spinning because you might forget something important. And we all know that the best thoughts and ideas come to creative people when they are trying to sleep (or shower or pray).

A very effective way to deal with these thoughts and ideas is to download them – out of your brain and onto paper. Please do NOT use your phone for this (for obvious reasons). Simply keep a notepad and pen/pencil next to your bed. Just before bedtime, write down any random thoughts and ideas that are occupying your mind at that time.

Of course there is no pressure to make this a literary project. It doesn’t have to be profound, poetic, or grammatically correct. You need not write in full sentences or make it legible for anyone but yourself.

Once you are done, your brain can relax in the reassurance that no award winning idea, creative masterpiece or important chore may be forgotten.

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